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Digital asset management (DAM) for Schools and Universities

Best DAM solution for private schools, colleges and universities in Australia and New Zealand 

Get Digital Asset Management (DAM)


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Rebuild Trust, Strengthen Your Brand, and Compete in a Changing Educational Landscape

In an era where education sector faces unprecedented challenges, from declining enrolment to an erosion of trust, it’s never been more crucial for colleges and universities to sharpen their brand identity and elevate their digital strategies.

As the landscape shifts, Digital Asset Management (DAM) solutions for higher education provide a vital tool to help institutions stay competitive, streamline their marketing efforts, and manage their digital content effectively.


DAM provides the tools your institution needs to adapt, thrive, and gain the trust of prospective students.

    It is not only about the need to capture and store content, it is about having this content available to the right people, in the right format, at the right time.

What schools and universities say about Canto


Creative workflows are up to 83% faster. And marketing content is more effective, advancing strategic goals like enrolment and retention.

With Canto, we can just keep everything in one place and not work in silos. We have a go-to spot where the whole department has access to a central storage hub that contains multimedia files. 

Our Canto instance is organised and efficient, making locating assets a breeze. It has saved us so much time and provided access to the most current photography, which helps our work – whether print or digital – stand out.

Canto is a key resource for our university's stakeholders. The look, the ease of use, the MS Office Connector have made it very popular throughout the school - from staff all the way to students.

Challenges Universities, Colleges and Private Schools Face

1. Brand Identity and Trust

The global pandemic and the ongoing cultural and economic shifts have eroded trust in many institutions, including higher education. As narratives questioning the value of a college education gain traction, universities must work harder than ever to restore and protect their brand identity.

2. Declining Enrolment

Post-secondary enrolment has seen a sharp decline in recent years. Even more concerning, projections suggest that the number of college students could drop by 15% from 2025 to 2029, fuelled by a significant decline in high school graduates. This is placing immense pressure on colleges and universities to compete for a shrinking pool of prospective students.

3. Increased Advertising Spend

To compete in this increasingly competitive environment, institutions are ramping up their advertising budgets. Nonprofit colleges, once hesitant to invest heavily in digital marketing, are following the trend. Steadily institutions have increased their advertising spend, and this upward trajectory is expected to continue as schools battle for visibility and enrolment.

4. Disorganised Content

With multiple departments and staff members creating digital assets, it’s easy for important files to get lost or duplicated. This leads to inefficiency and wasted time.

5. Collaboration 

Educational institutions often use disparate systems to store their assets, making it difficult to share resources across teams and departments. This fragmentation hampers collaboration and can cause delays.

6. Sharing

When files need to be shared across multiple platforms or with multiple stakeholders, the process can be time-consuming. Each department might need to send out individual files via email or upload them to various platforms, leading to duplicated efforts.

7. Storage and Scalability

As the volume of digital assets grows, manually organising, tagging, and sharing content becomes increasingly complex.  When digital assets are stored in fragmented systems, it becomes difficult to manage storage capacity. Files might be duplicated across systems, leading to excessive storage use and unnecessary costs.

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The Single Source of Truth for your school's digital content

Prepare for the future of higher and private education—streamline your digital assets, reinforce your brand, and drive enrolment.

Digital asset management offers numerous advantages for schools and universities that provides single source of truth for assets that are created by students, departments and agencies, allowing for a standardised way to share, tag and distribute those assets.

Why schools and universities use digital asset management

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All digital assets created by students, departments and agencies accessible from one centralised repository. 
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Communicate brand standards with Style Guides, tailored content collections, approval process and asset expiration.
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Easily tag, search and find assets with advanced AI functionality, such as Facial Recognition and Visual Search.

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Quick image retrieval and more efficient handling means better way to share images, designs, and other digital assets with departments, students, and public.
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DAM Use Cases for Education industry 

Marketing Team

DAM allows universities to easily store, organise, and distribute marketing assets such as videos, brochures, and social media posts. By having quick access to these resources, marketing teams can launch campaigns faster, maintain brand consistency, and more effectively communicate with prospective students.

Students and Faculty

Whether it's class lectures, presentations, or photos and videos, DAM systems make it easier for faculty and students to manage, access, and distribute educational materials. By creating a central repository, universities can streamline learning and ensure that students always have access to the resources they need.

Brand team

For the Brand team, it can be difficult to know if photography still meets brand, ethics, and diversity standards. A DAM helps universities to protect their brand and promote it to domestic and international audiences. The software attractively delivers tailored and branded collections of assets to different groups such as the media, faculty members, or newly recruited students.

Alumni relations and fundraising

Keep alumni engaged with consistent and professional communications. DAM helps manage alumni profiles, event photos, and promotional content, ensuring every piece of communication is aligned with your brand, leading to more successful fundraising campaigns.

Event documentation

From orientations to graduations, education institutions host numerous events. DAM systems allow you to store and manage media files from these events, including videos, photos, and promotional materials, ensuring that every event is documented and promoted efficiently.

Canto for education sector

Canto is as a scalable, cost-efficient digital asset management solution. Canto offers core DAM functionality, including:

  • Single source of truth for all your digital assets, such as photos, videos, audios, templates, Adobe creative files, presentations, pdfs, etc.
  • Advanced search features
  • Nicely organised files with thumbnail display
  • Added metadata and tags
  • Brand portals for specific projects, external partners, departments
  • Asset level team collaboration
  • Version control
  • Digital rights management (DRM)
  • Streamlined asset sharing
  • Asset analytics
  • Integrations with other popular workflow and project management platforms
  • Advanced security protocols

Canto ease of use

In 2019, 95% of our customers named ease of use as nr 1 most important feature in their DAM. Canto is proud to be one the most user-friendly DAM solutions around. With its intuitive, simple interface the navigation is a breeze.

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Customer experience

databasics have been Canto’s partner in Australia and New Zealand for nearly 30 years. Our only focus is providing the best possible customer experience to our Canto customers.

Prouding ourselves as DAM experts with over 30 years DAM experience, we offer DAM consultations, 100% personalised Canto DAM onboarding and Hands-on customer service.

We will assist you throughout your DAM journey from start to finish. 100% dedication to our customers is what will set us apart from the rest of Australian DAM vendors. Choose databasics. Schedule your free consultation now.

Canto price

Start small, plan big.

You pay for what you need. Scale as you grow.

Canto’s digital asset management software pricing model is based on amount of storage needed and the number of admin users. If you are in Australia or New Zealand, reach out to databasics and we will get you the best price, only available through us.

See if Canto is the right DAM for your school

After your team has outgrown Dropbox and Google Drive, it is time to look at a suitable DAM solution – one that is user friendly and intuitive, a solution that will streamline your workflows, ensure brand consistency, adhere to regulatory requirements, and empower your teams.

Canto is considered the pioneer/ inventor of DAM with their flagship on-premise solution Cumulus, later introducing the Canto cloud DAM – named - Canto, solution that has now been their focus for the last 10 years.

Investing in a DAM system is not just a cost but a strategic business decision. It can substantially improve operational efficiency, compliance, and even provide insights into your digital assets' ROI.

Don't wait, explore your DAM options today and redefine how your organisation manages its digital assets. Reach out to databasics to schedule a DAM consultation.

Best way to know is to try for yourself. 

Try Canto for free.