We offer the best Canto pricing for Australian and New Zealand customers
Canto DAM has many advantages, including price.
See below how Canto compares to competition.


Several different pricing models exist, but the most straightforward pricing is based on the number of power users (people who manage DAM, add and delete content, manage metadata and users), and the amount of storage needed (in TB).
This can differ significantly from vendor to vendor. In Canto, all key features for managing and sharing assets are included out of box. Such features include: Brand Hubs and sharing Portals, Upload Links, AI-powered image tagging, style guides, reporting, basic integrations.
Most DAM vendors charge a one-time set up & onboarding fee. databasics offers basic onboarding free of charge for Australian and NZ customers, along with more comprehensive onboarding packages for a fee. See more info at Onboarding.
Most vendors charge extra for customisation. Canto offers free ways to customise your solution without the need of an expert: customise the look of your main library, brand portals, log-in screens and interface, customise share links and user roles.
As a minimum, a DAM system should include tagging and metadata, advanced search functionality, customisation, support and data storage. However, the value of DAM is in enhancing user experience and delivering ROI for your content and time, so disregarding advanced functionality means sacrificing the long term benefits for your organisation.
Add on it as you grow.