Brand Management with Canto
October 20, 2017 •Antra Silova

*Please note: as of May 22, Flight is now Canto. All references to Flight in this article refer to Canto.
What is Brand Management?
Do I use the red-on-white or white-on-red logo? Where do I find it?
What font do I have to use?
Brand management ensures that your brand assets are consistent, aligned, readily accessible and appropriately used. How can you align your brand assets to your brand management guidelines, brand strategy and approved usage? This article will discuss the importance of creating a consistent message with brand management guidelines and how you can do all that with the help of Flight – Canto’s SaaS digital asset management solution.
Visit our Flight Demo Brand Portal for Great! brand (a brand we created to showcase Flight possibilities).
Customise the main library and login page
Why not start with branding your own DAM library?
Tell your company’s story right from the start. The more branded your DAM solution is, the more people will connect with it and use it. Maintain your brand standards with customising the main Media Library. In Flight, administrators can apply a logo, choose colour theme, upload an appropriate brand image, create a title for your Library (for example, DataBasics Marketing Resource Library), as well as a welcome message.
What is a Portal?
Like an extension to DAM, a Portal is a web page that provides an easy access to select range of content to a specific target group of users, allowing the functionality you want and the overall look and feel that is required in a fantastic, good-looking interface that is easy to use.
For example, your Flight solution might contain range of content from work-in-progress through to finished content for access by your staff. Then – to make brand content available to the people you work with – you can create a Portal to share out only the brand content.
You don’t need to be a design guru, to create a tailored brand experience to share with your team, clients, vendors, and others. Read more on how easy it is to create custom-branded good-looking publishing portals below.
Private or Public Portals
Decide if you would like your portal to be public or private. Private portals would require login and would only be accessible to select users. Public portals require no login and are limited to only viewing, downloading and sharing.
Portal Access Permissions
With Portals you provide access to select assets from your main library. (Don’t forget to mark the assets “approved” when adding them to your portal). Administrators can configure permissions by allowing specific features in a Portal. Establish privileges for sharing, editing, downloading, uploading, and adding watermarks.
Share directly from Portal
No need for email attachments. Share directly from your branded Portal with remote team members, outside agencies and collaborators. Great to distribute brand assets for review and approval.
Custom-branded Portals
Create your brand identity and ensure your branding stays consistent. Determine the look and branding of the portal interface and portal landing page. The brand identity can reflect that of your own brand or that of a client, allowing for agencies to collaborate through multiple branded portals. This means you can work in different portals that represent different brands. At DataBasics we have created several different portals to share resources with partners, potential customers, to collaborate with our team, and to share brand guidelines. Each of the portals has been branded differently, and has different functions. Take a look at our sample Great! brand portal here.
To customise your portal landing page and interface go to Settings – Portals (click on a portal you would like to customise) – select Landing Page or Custom Branding.
Sharing Brand Guidelines
Use Flight not only to share your media assets but also your brand guidelines. Upload you brand guidelines as a document, presentation or video. Share with both internal and external team members, and collaborators will be able to reference the various rules that help keep your brand’s message consistent. Having your brand guidelines listed in a central location will provide a single source of truth to explain crucial information about how your brand is presented across all channels, allowing easy access to everyone who needs them around the world 24/7.
Add copyright information, Terms and Conditions, and watermarks to your assets.
You can select watermark position and size. Add watermark as you are sharing an asset – share through an email or collection link and just click “Enable Watermark”. Admin can upload a watermark image under DRM Settings.
Add Terms and Conditions and Copyright information. You can find the asset information fields when clicking the down arrow:
You can add hyperlinked Terms and Conditions, which would take the person to the linked T&C page when clicked on the link.
Monitor your brand
In Flight, admin can see how brand assets are being used, and determine who is able to view, download, edit, and share stored files.
Find the admin dashboard here
Some of the reports you can view in Dashboard
For more in-depth reports you can go to Settings – Account Settings – Reports.
Flight is not only the best place to share your digital assets, but it’s also an excellent place to create a consistent brand image, to share your brand guidelines and to control how your brand assets are used and distributed.
See it all in action in our upcoming webinar: Brand Management with Flight Nov 14th 11AEDT